Nanci Salazar

Independent Distribuitor
Herbalife >>



Hello, I am Nacy, Distributor of Herbalife and I would like to help you improve your health and also increase your income, to improve your quality of life and have more time with your family.

I met Herbalife 4 years ago for a newspaper ad that read: “Business Opportunity”. At that time I was without work, and in charge of the house and my daughters, depending on my husband, and what he brought home.
I attended the call, and I called my attention to the business model, I began to consume the products: “with good nutrition I improved gastritis problems … kidney … increased my energy and in 2 months I controlled my body weight and now my whole family consumes it and I generate income to help my husband.

  • Nutrition
  • Zumba exercises
  • Communication
  • Herbalife products

I was born in Mexico, based in Palm Beach County, United States since 2005, since then dependent on my husband. Four years ago I started to do the Herbalife business and today I have a Fitness club, my daughters have been involved in the business and being young they already have their own income. I know many new people from different countries and every day I learn a little more about how to manage the business and my finances. Now I am a full-time entrepreneur.

If you want to know more about the business or consume our products, send me a message
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